Tuesday, April 13, 2010

...getting behind... BUT catching up

UGH.. so its been a crazy month!! I am so far behind on our blog. I did have time to do an awesome april fools joke.. but no time for an actual POST! So.. I guess we better get caught up! April 3rd was our 1 year anniversary. It has been a wonderful year and I am happy to have such a great husband. Even though today he did ask me why I dont use my arms and legs I was blessed with and I said because I have a husband to do what I dont wanna do... haha. Gotta love marriage. I love him though and I am lucky to have had this great year with Caden.

So.. for our anniversary.. I surprise Caden with tickets to Garth Brooks! We got to spend the weekend in Las Vegas and since Garth Brooks is also my dads favorite we invited my parents to come along.. but just for the concert!

We got way yummy gourmet cupcakes at the "Cupcakery" in Las Vegas.. RED VELVET.. The best. My mom looks a little too excited for her favorite treat.. ive never seen her so happy haha!


  1. Happy late anniversary! It looks like you guys had fun! I love cupcake shops! Those ones look delicious! Keep updating so we can keep in touch! Have fun!!

  2. I feel so bad for not wishing you happy anniversary. Has it really been a year already? No way! Well, hope you had a very happy anniversary!
